The V8 is a 3-way passive design housing 2 x 10″ LF drivers, one hornloaded 8″ MF driver and two 1.4″ exit HF compression drivers with 2.5″ voicecoils mounted to a dedicated waveshaping device. The symmetrical dipolar arrangement of the neodymium LF drivers around the centrally mounted coaxial MF and HF components allows a smooth overlap of the adjacent frequency bands in the crossover design. This results in an exceptional 80¬∞ horizontal constant directivity dispersion control nominally being maintained down to 250 Hz. The mechanical and acoustical design enables flown vertical arrays of up to twenty four loudspeakers. It can be used in columns of purely V8 loudspeakers or combined with V12s and / or with V-SUBs.¬†
D&B V8 (NLT)
Product categories
- Audio Visual 26
- Lighting Hire 20
- Set Hire & Stages 18
- Backdrops 3
- Dancefloors 1
- DJ Booths 4
- Event Decor 3
- Plinths 4
- Stages 3
- Sound Hire 78
- Amplifiers 4
- DJ Equipment 4
- Microphones 18
- Monitors 6
- Sound Accessories 3
- Sound Desks 10
- Speakers 21
- Sound & Lighting Packages 3
- Sound Accessories 3
- Sound Packages 9
- Stage Pieces 11